Archive for month: October, 2021

In a classroom setting, you will likely have students at varying levels of ability. It’s important to provide them with opportunities to try an activity and challenge themselves, without the activity being too difficult for them. 

How can you support different levels of ability, while still focusing on one game or activity? Consider modifications and variations. The free, digital lesson-planning tool PLAYBuilder, offers over 700+ games and activities that are aligned with the B.C. Physical and Health Education Curriculum—many of which also provide modifications to suit each of your students abilities. 

Here are two activities you can try with your class, that feature some easy variations to change the level of difficulty: 

Lions and Leopards (Grade 3-7)


  • Leader divides the class into two teams and names one team the Lions and one team the Leopards.
  • Two teams face each other with two meters between them (marked by pylons/objects) and the leader marks a safety zone about 20 meters behind each team.

Instructions & Cues

  • Leader yells either Lions or Leopards.
  • The team name that is called must chase the other team until they reach their safety zone.
  • Any participants that have been tagged must now join the other team.
  • Leader should roll the “L” sounds before yelling the team name to increase anticipation.


  • Participants must hop on one leg, two foot hop, dribble a soccer ball, dribble a basketball instead of running
  • Leaders can change the animals and add variations to the call

Destroyers & Construction Workers (Grades 1-7)


  • 15-20 pylons/markers


  • Scatter 15-20 pylons/markers on the field throughout a 20 x 20 yard area (cans of food or drink, or plastic pop bottles and milk cartons filled partially with water or sand). These items should be standing up straight. 
  • Divide the group into two equal teams. One group is designated the Destroyers and the other group the Construction Workers and they start on opposite lines.

Instructions & Cues

  • On leader’s “GO”, the Destroyers attempt to tip over the pylons with their hands, while the Construction Workers attempt to repair the pylons by standing them back up. 
  • Set a time for this activity and at the end count the number of pylons that the destroyers have knocked down, then allow the teams to switch roles. 
  • After each group has had an opportunity being both a Construction Worker and a Destroyer, reverse their roles again.  


  • Participants must dribble a soccer ball and have their foot on top of the ball when they tip over/build up a pylon either as a Construction Worker or a Destroyer. Repeat so the participants have a chance at being a Construction Worker and a Destroyer.
  • Vary the body part that has to knock over the cone.

For more activities with variations to challenge all of your students, register for PLAYBuilder today!


Social emotional learning is a term used within the education sector today. But what exactly does it mean, and how can it benefit your students?

On October 22, 2021, from 11:00 – 12:00 PT, join the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project for “Social Emotional Learning 101: An Overview for K-7 Educators”.

This webinar will introduce K-7 educators to social emotional learning. Specifically, the five core competencies of social emotional learning will be presented, along with how these skills can be honed throughout the school day. Educators will be invited to identify areas in their current teaching practice that can be slightly adjusted to enhance students’ social emotional learning skill development.  

>>Register today 

This webinar will be presented by Dr. Amanda Stanec.

Amanda attended and played soccer for St. Francis Xavier University. She holds a Masters of Science with an emphasis in Physical Education and Sport Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University, and a PhD in Kinesiology within the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia. Further achievements include the publication of more than twenty articles as well as co-authoring several book chapters related to physical education, sport, and health education.

Amanda has led projects on behalf of the International Olympic Committee, the Association of the Summer Olympic International Federations, Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation, United World Wrestling, NFL Play 60, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and PHE Canada.

This webinar will be held virtually on Zoom Webinar. It will also be recorded, and made available on the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project website following the presentation.

By definition, physical literacy is an inclusive concept that is accessible for all. In the class setting, that inclusivity is reflected in the games and activities we play with our students, that support the diversity of your class. 

Inclusion refers to the intentional, ongoing effort to ensure that diverse individuals fully participate in all aspects of play and learning throughout the school day. In this blog, we are focusing on diverse abilities.

There are things you can do as an educator when considering diverse abilities, to build those safe spaces for your students to learn — particularly within physical activity. Consider the following for your physical activity and physical literacy throughout the school day:

  • Adaptations are for everyone!
  • Make adaptations participant-centred by focusing on what students CAN do.
  • Use person-first language when referring to someone with a disability.
  • Ask respectful questions.
  • Don’t be afraid to try or ask. If one thing doesn’t work, try another!

Here are some modifications you can make to games and activities, to support your students’ diverse levels of mobility: 

  • Use bigger, lighter balls or bats.
  • Allocate more time for activities.
  • Reduce the space for students to travel.
  • Include ramps, steps, or assistants.
  • Adjust game rules.
  • Recognize increased energy demands caused by some disabilities.

And a few to consider for those with intellectual/cognitive diversity. Students with intellectual/cognitive conditions will benefit from:

  • clear and concise rules,
  • visual demonstrations of the skill with verbal explanations, and with permission, a physical prompt,
  • few transitions and extra time to make them,
  • active involvement of the student’s education assistant or student buddies.

Interested in learning more about how to adapt games and activities for your students, to support the diverse abilities in your classroom (including, but not limited to, autism, visual impairments and auditory impairments)? Book, or register to attend our open registration date for, the Physical Activity and Physical Literacy for All (Diverse Abilities) workshop! Or, register to view our recorded Physical Activity and Physical Literacy for All (Diverse Abilities) webinar here.

Mental well-being impacts how we think, what we feel, how we act, and how we manage difficult situations, handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. It’s also a curricular competency in the B.C. Physical and Health Education Curriculum, and leads to the development of emotionally and intellectually strong and engaged students.

How exactly is mental well-being connected to physical literacy and physical activity, though?

Being physically active, even for short amounts of time throughout the day, has been shown to have positive effects on students’ academic abilities, attention spans, physical health, and mental well-being. 

Physical activity helps students to:

  • build mental capacity, 
  • manage emotions, and 
  • develop adaptive coping strategies for the classroom and throughout their lifetime, among other things.

Simply put, physical activity and physical literacy leads to better mental well-being.

And, by incorporating physical activity and developing physical literacy throughout the school day, students will: 

  • improve their attention and self-regulation through regular movement breaks, 
  • spark their creative thinking and problem-solving skills, 
  • lower their anxiety and stress, 
  • increase their social-emotional well-being, and 
  • experience the fun and enjoyment of being active!

So look to incorporate both throughout your school day, not only to meet those curricular goals, but to support your students’ overall mental well-being.

For more information on mental well-being and its connections to physical activity and physical literacy, download our Making the Link resource today. And visit our website for more resources and professional development opportunities surrounding physical activity and physical literacy, including a webinar on Modelling Well-being as Educators.

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