Archive for month: August, 2021

Are you keen to get your students thinking about how to use their fundamental movement skills, but not quite sure how to teach them in your class’ games? Then the Teaching Games for Understanding workshop is for you!

In this in-person workshop, discover a fun and popular approach to teaching the individual skills of a game, prompting students to learn how to use those skills. 

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to: 

  • explain what Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is and how it can help develop student physical literacy, and
  • apply TGfU principles in delivering a games-based lesson

As this TGfU focuses on games and requires interactions amongst participants, it is being offered as an in-person workshop.  


The School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project also offers several other workshops that will help yourself and fellow B.C. educators learn more about physical literacy and physical activity. Visit our website today to learn about the other workshops currently available.

Do all of your students feel included and respected in physical and health education, and in class physical activities? 

The focus of this 90-minute workshop is to equip educators to take proactive actions that will ensure that every student can fully participate in all aspects of physical activity and learning. It provides an opportunity to discuss specific considerations and inclusion strategies, and learn how to make a difference in the enjoyment of physical activity for all students.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: 

  • explain the meaning of physical literacy and its connection to physical activity, 
  • see how diversity shapes experiences in physical education, physical activity, and physical literacy, 
  • understand Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the context of physical activity and physical literacy, and
  • Confidently create inclusive physical education and physical activity environments. 

Schedule this workshop today for your school or district:


The School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project also offers several other workshops that will help yourself and fellow B.C. educators learn more about physical literacy and physical activity. Visit our website today to learn about the other workshops currently available.

As we look ahead into the new year, are you looking for new ways to further your understanding of physical activity and physical literacy, to support your students’ development?

Beginning on January 14, join the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project for the 2022 Winter Institute.  Hosted by UBC’s Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, and the University of Fraser Valley, this course will introduce teachers to Elementary Physical and Health Education (PHE) curriculum, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, practical experiences, and professional responsibilities of a successful elementary school teacher. It will expand teachers’ level of confidence and competence when delivering the British Columbia (BC) PHE Curriculum.

Learners will work through modules on:

  • the BC PHE K-7 curriculum,
  • the Indigenous holistic approaches to teaching and learning,
  • the creation of equity, diversity and inclusion in PHE,
  • quality physical education,
  • assessment, 
  • physical literacy, and 
  • the comprehensive school health model.

Learners will work on their own and with others, while being guided by leaders from BC school districts, Indigenous Sport Physical Activity and Recreation Council and several BC Universities. The course is available both for credit, or non-credit, and will be hosted both online and in-person (at the University of Fraser Valley’s Mission campus at Heritage Park).


Week 1

Friday, January 14 and Saturday, January 15

Week 2

Friday, January 21 and Saturday, January 22

Week 3

Friday, January 28 and Saturday, January 29

Week 4

Friday, February 4 and Saturday, February 5

Find out more about the Institute, and register here.

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