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PLAYBuilder: Indoor Activities to Get Your Students Moving 

Students can get restless inside all day. 

What are some ways to release your students’ energy indoors, while also developing physical literacy? 

PLAYBuilder, a digital lesson planning platform, offers access to 700+ games and 100+ lesson plans for K-7 educators— including those that are adaptable or made to take place in a gymnasium or classroom!

Here are some great examples of indoor games found on PLAYBuilder:

Follow the Lines (Grade K-7)

What You’ll Need

No equipment necessary!


  • As students enter the gym ask them to find a spot somewhere on a line and stand still. 


  • Upon your signal, students can try to move only on the lines. Students can change lines anywhere two lines intersect, but cannot jump between lines.
  • Any time two students meet each other when traveling, they must do a dance move, then turn around and change directions without passing each other. 
  • Emphasize the importance of being able to balance on the lines as they move around the gym.

Beanbag Balance (Grades K-4)

What You’ll Need



  • Have participants spread out.
  • Give each student a beanbag.


  • Call out different body parts (e.g., shoulder, back, knee, foot, stomach, thumb, etc.) and have participants balance their beanbag on said body part for five seconds.
  • Try to pick funny/challenging body parts to keep it fun.
  • You may add a rule that if the beanbag falls off (i.e., they must do five jumping jacks or another appropriate exercise).
  • You may also increase the time they have to balance the beanbag.
  • For an extra challenge, have them try to move while balancing the beanbag.

Locomotor Relay Race (Grades 1-7)

What You’ll Need

  • Cones or poly spots


  • Places participants in groups of three to ensure maximum participation.


  • Tell them which locomotor skill they will be performing each race.
  • On your signal, the first student goes to the end line and tags the next student in line, until all three have finished.
  • Start off easy and move to more challenging skills each race(e.g., walking, running, hopping, skipping, galloping, sliding, etc.).
  • Stress the importance of technique over winning. If they perform skills wrong, teach them and have them do it over again.
  • Encourage good sportsmanship.


Looking for more activities and games like these? Sign up for PLAYBuilder today! 

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