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New Workshop: Teaching Games for Understanding 

Are you keen to get your students thinking about how to use their fundamental movement skills, but not quite sure how to teach them in your class’ games? Then the Teaching Games for Understanding workshop is for you!

In this in-person workshop, discover a fun and popular approach to teaching the individual skills of a game, prompting students to learn how to use those skills. 

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to: 

  • explain what Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is and how it can help develop student physical literacy, and
  • apply TGfU principles in delivering a games-based lesson

As this TGfU focuses on games and requires interactions amongst participants, it is being offered as an in-person workshop.  


The School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project also offers several other workshops that will help yourself and fellow B.C. educators learn more about physical literacy and physical activity. Visit our website today to learn about the other workshops currently available.

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