Archive for month: April, 2022

The B.C. physical health education curriculum looks at more than physical activity, unlike in the past. The curriculum has developed and is now built to promote long-lasting motivation for physical activity in students. 

Why is this change important and how do educators make this change in their own lessons?

First, it is important to know what physical literacy is and its role in students’ participation. Physical literacy is the physical competence, confidence and motivation to be active for life. To be physically literate, students first must learn the basic skills for movement, called fundamental movement skills, such as running, jumping and throwing. In many cases, there is a focus on how well a student does the movement rather than how to build motivation for the student to work toward doing the skill correctly and yet the definition contains both physical competence and motivation. 

Why is motivation important?

If students have a higher level of motivation to participate in physical activity, they are more likely to be involved and be physically active. Physical activity offers many physical benefits like better focus on the classroom and better sleep quality. So how, as educators, do you build motivation in students? 

How do you build motivation in your students?

When students participate in an activity that is too difficult, they become discouraged and are less likely to connect with the activity or push themselves. When students participate in an activity that is too easy for them, they can become bored and uninterested. Implementing games and activities into your classroom that offer an equal amount of challenge and the student’s skill levels will offer more opportunities for children to become self motivated. 

Check out the booklet Building Motivation for Physical Activity to learn more and use PLAYBuilder for games and activities you can use to increase the chance of flow for your students!

What is a piece of equipment most schools have many on-hand? Balls! Most schools have a lot of different types, from yoga balls to tennis balls. Balls are a great piece of equipment for games and activities that get your students moving objects. Students must learn many types of skills from propelling objects through the air, like throwing a baseball or kicking a soccer ball. Any age can learn new skills and PLAYBuilder is a great resource to find what you’re looking for. 


PLAYBuilder is a lesson-planning online tool that offers countless games that use balls to build skills. Here are some easy and fun activities from PLAYBuilder! 


Poison Ball

Participants practice throwing at a target as a team.

Grades K-7


  • One large yoga, omnikin, or big beach ball 
  • Smaller, softer balls for throwing at the target. 


  • Place the large ball in the middle of the playing area.
  • Split participants into two teams and have them stand along the end line of the playing area, facing each other (and the balls).
  • Give a few softer, smaller balls (e.g. Rhinoskin dodgeballs) to the participants on both sides.

Instructions and Cues

  • Participants one-hand overhand throw their ball towards the large ball and try to knock the large ball over to the other team’s side.
  • Participants can run to get the smaller balls around the playing area, but can only toss towards the larger ball when standing on the end line.
  • The team that knocks the large ball over the other team’s sideline first is the winner. 


Circle Ball Pass

Students practice sending and receiving a ball in a circle.

Grade K-1


  • 1-3 balls. Large, light, squishy balls that are easy for the Grade K-1 students to pass. 


  • Students stand in a circle.

Instructions and Cues

  • Students start by passing one ball around the circle to the person next to them using two hands.
  • After a while, add another ball, possibly upwards of 3.
  • Yell “Switch!” and students must reverse the direction of the ball.
  • Consider telling the students to back up a step and try throwing and catching.


Beat the Ball 

Students practice throwing, fielding, and base running. 

Grade 5-7 


  • Softer, smaller balls (e.g. Rhinoskin dodgeballs),
  • Cones.

Set up

  • Participants work in partners or groups of three.
  • Each group has two markers (i.e., rubber dots or cones) about 10-25 feet apart.
  • One marker represents home plate, where one participant with a ball stands ready to throw.
  • The other one or two participants spread out in the field, facing the thrower. 

Instructions and Cues 

  • The game starts with the participant at home plate throwing the ball hard into the field, and then running immediately to the field marker and back to home plate.
  • If the thrower is able to touch the field marker and make it back to home plate before the fielders, the thrower scores a run.
  • If the fielders catch the ball or retrieve the ball, and are able to touch the field marker before the thrower makes it back to home plate, no run is scored.
  • Participants switch roles every play. 


Interested in accessing more activities like these? Sign up today for PLAYBuilder! It’s free to use for B.C. K-7 educators, and features 700+ activities and 100+ lesson plans aligned with the B.C. Physical and Health Education curriculum. 


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