Archive for month: January, 2022

Winter is here in B.C., and finding ways to keep students active and engaged, without always braving the winter weather, can be challenging particularly with COVID considerations. 

Looking for some indoor-friendly, COVID-safe activities? PLAYBuilder is a great tool to help build lessons that are fun and support the development of physical literacy.

PLAYBuilder is a free digital platform that contains over 700 games and 100 lesson plans for educators teaching K-7! There are even activities with limited equipment and reduced contact to stay COVID-friendly. This online tool is free for B.C. educators! 

Register for an account today!


Here are some examples of COVID-safe activities accessible on PLAYBuilder:

Freeze It! (Grades K-7)

What You’ll Need

No equipment necessary!


No setup necessary!


  • Participants travel freely in general space, trying different locomotor movements chosen by the leader being careful to stay apart from one another.
  • Leader will call out a number that indicates how many body parts the participants are to balance on for five seconds. For example: If three is called out, they may balance on two hands and one foot. For five body parts they may balance on two hands, two feet, and their head.
  • Encourage creativity and remind them of the balancing cues. If someone is very creative, highlight them to the rest of the class.

Alphabet Balance (Ages 3-6)

What You’ll Need

No equipment necessary!


No setup necessary!


  • Leader yells out different letters of the alphabet.
  • Participants try to make their body into the shape of that letter.
  • Encourage the use of different levels. For example, participants may lay on the floor to create the shape or stand up.
  • Leader may ask them to spell a short word, or try guessing their letter for added fun.

If You Like

What You’ll Need

No equipment necessary!


No setup necessary!


  • Ask participants questions and give them an exercise they must do if it applies to them.
  • Examples below:
    • If you like strawberries do 5 squats
    • If you like swimming do one lap
    • If you have a pet do 5 hops on one foot
    • If you have green eyes balance on one foot for five seconds
  • Ask volunteers to give examples
  • Try to pick things that apply to the majority so they get a good warm-up.

*For all activities, ensure that your students are maintaining proper social distance and are adhering to the current COVID-19 safety guidelines in your region and school. 

These activities, as well as others accessible on PLAYBuilder, can help build on your students physical activity and physical literacy.

Ready to explore more activities like these, for your students? Register for PLAYBuilder today:


For educators, short movement breaks throughout the day can help develop students’ physical literacy, improve focus and increase learning. But it can be a challenge to find a variety of activities that your students will enjoy that still encourage the development of physical literacy through fundamental movement skills. 

Here, we share five easy and fun movement breaks you can do with your students to give them a reset during the school day and encourage their development of physical literacy. 

Are you looking for more activities? The Movement Activity Cards available for free on our website feature dozens of games to incorporate in your classroom, including those listed below:

Balance Clock 

Students start by balancing on one foot. Next, they swing the raised foot in front and behind them. Once they have mastered that, ask students to swing their foot from side to side across their bodies while standing on one foot. Using their arms as the hands of a clock, can they make 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00. 

Challenge: Those that have mastered these balances can try them with their eyes closed.

Desk Olympics

On small pieces of paper, write down various Olympic sports (e.g., swimming, canoeing, cycling, sprinting, rowing, etc.) and place them in a bucket or hat. Draw one of the sports out and have students do that sport for 20 seconds while staying at their desks.

Try doing a few desk Olympic sports during the movement break. 

Challenge: Can they do the sport using five or more parts of their bodies?

Skier Jumps 

Have students stand with their feet together. They jump from side to side, swinging their arms up with each jump, and land with their knees bent. 

Challenge: How many Skier Jumps can they do in 30 seconds?

Place Value Movements 

Try this fun way to reinforce place values. Give students an exercise and a number. For example, say “jumping jacks” and “698”. Then, tell them to do the number of jumping jacks in the 10s column. 

Depending on the age of the students, use larger or smaller numbers. Change the exercise frequently.

Ball and Cup Catch 

Give each student a small ball (e.g., table tennis ball, plastic ball, or tennis ball) and a cup. Students throw the ball up and catch it with the cup. This activity works hand-eye coordination. 

Challenge: Ask students to practice this while standing on one foot. Try throwing the ball with the non-dominant hand. Create a large circle of students. Give the ball to one person to toss across the circle to a friend. They are to call out the student’s name, who is to catch the ball in their cup. 

For more activities, download the Movement Activity Card set and look through our Classroom Resources, School Resources and Additional Resources.

Sport and physical activity can bring students of all cultures together. When students share an engaging sport or physical activity experience with classmates from the various cultures and countries represented in the B.C. school system, they have the unique opportunity to make friends with people from all sorts of backgrounds. The more diversity they encounter, the more they will learn to respect all of their peers equally. 

What does diversity look like in physical activity?

In practice, that means:

  • a school physical activity culture that values diversity and response to the diverse social and cultural needs of its community; 
  • a physical activity culture that promotes understanding and respect; 
  • a participation environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence;
  • equitable access and equal opportunities to participate in quality physical activity; and 
  • a recognition that adaptations may need to be made for activities and rules, and more! 


How can you promote diversity through activity? 

There are many ways to support diversity and inclusion of all of your students within physical activity. With the Beijing 2022 Winter Games coming up, here are a few Olympic-themed suggestions: 

Hold mini-Olympic celebrations 

Assign groups of students to represent different nations. Make national flags and learn about assigned countries and their sports and recreational activities in social studies.

March in an opening ceremony and compete in a range of diversity-themed events. Hold a closing ceremony with teams mingled.

Build on the Paralympic Games

Diversity includes celebrating the games and sports played by persons with disabilities. Demonstrate that sport is for all by profiling Paralympians on the class bulletin boards, inviting an athlete with disabilities to visit the class, or teaching a sport like wheelchair rugby or goalball.

For more ideas around promoting diversity through physical activity, and opportunities to learn more about the importance of diversity, download the following resource: Lasting Impact: The Importance of Diversity.

Are you interested in learning more about physical activity and physical literacy and their importance for your students? Check out our other classroom resources and the various professional development opportunities available through the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project.

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