Archive for month: September, 2021

The start of the school year is a chance to revisit your lesson plans and activities, and bring something new to the table for your students! For the 2021/22 school year, maybe you are revisiting the fun ways you engage with the B.C. Physical and Health Education (PHE) Curriculum, to promote physical activity and physical literacy in your classroom, and looking for some new ideas. 

PLAYBuilder is a free tool and digital learning resource that provides educators with 700+ games and 100+ lesson plans for Grades K-7, aligned with the PHE curriculum – perfect for finding those new games and activities your students will enjoy that meet curricular goals. 

And in terms of learning how to use PLAYBuilder, we’ve got you covered! 

On September 28 from 15:30 to 16:30 PT,  join the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project’s PLAYBuilder team for the webinar “PLAYBuilder Basics”.

>>Register today

In this one-hour webinar, learn how to register and access PLAYBuilder, and save and organize games, activities and lesson plans in your account. And, hear from an educator and PLAYBuilder team member about how they use the platform.

Sign up for PLAYBuilder beforehand at to take a peek at its activities and lesson plans. Then, connect with our team at the webinar so they can answer any of your questions.

This webinar will be presented by Billie Tes and Joe Flavel:

  • Billie is the Senior Coordinator of Digital Services for Sport for Life. She oversees the creation, implementation and progression of Sport for Life digital services, including the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project’s PLAYBuilder platform for B.C. K-7 educators. 
  • Joe Flavel is graduate of the University of Alberta, and has been a high school physical education teacher for 17 years. He is currently working toward a master’s degree in Athletic Administration. Joe is a learning facilitator with the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project, providing workshop facilitation and PLAYBuilder support to B.C. educators.

This webinar will be held virtually on Zoom Webinar. It will also be recorded, and made available on the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project website following the presentation.

Developing physical literacy is a central focus of the B.C. Physical and Health Education Curriculum. But what exactly is physical literacy, and how can you incorporate it throughout your school day? 

Find out in the hour-long eLearning course Developing Physical Literacy within the B.C. Curriculum. This course provides the theory behind physical literacy and time-tested methods to deliver physical and health education that equips your students to live a healthy, active life. Learn how to structure and adapt your lessons for greater student enjoyment, participation and skill development.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you can learn through the course:

Physical Literacy in the B.C. Physical and Health Education (PHE) Curriculum

Like all subjects, the PHE curriculum is based on the Know, Do, Understand (KDU) curriculum model.

This model starts with big ideas and proceeds to learning standards, which include curricular competencies (what students will do) and content (what they will know). Here’s where physical literacy fits in:

Curricular competencies are the skills, strategies and processes that students develop over time. They reflect the DO in the KDU model of learning. Curricular competencies are divided into four categories:

  1. Physical literacy
  2. Healthy and active living
  3. Social and community health
  4. Mental well-being

A curricular competency for physical literacy is to “develop and apply a variety of fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical activities and environments”. 

Content is the KNOW part of the curriculum model. For example, students are expected to know:

  • proper technique for fundamental movement skills, including non-locomotor, locomotor, and manipulative skills;
  • movement concepts and strategies;
  • and more…

Those fundamental movement skills are the building blocks to physical literacy. Generally, physical literacy is developed through the execution of fundamental movement skills (FMS) in a confidence-building and motivation-enhancing way.

Interested in learning more about physical literacy in the PHE curriculum, and how you can further develop your students’ physical literacy with that curriculum in mind? Register for this eLearning today!

The pandemic has posed a challenge to educators in how best to keep their students motivated, engaged and active throughout the day. To ensure the safety and health of all those in the school environment, typical physical and health education activities have had to change. There are lots of fun games out there to keep students moving but how many are COVID-safe?

PLAYBuilder, a digital platform and tool that offers 700+ games and 100+ lesson plans for K-7 educators, hosts a variety of COVID-safe and entertaining activities for students and it’s free to use for all B.C. educators! All you need to do is register for an account.

Here are a few PLAYBuilder COVID-safe activities to try with your students:

5,4,3,2,1 – Brain Break (Grades K – 3)

What You’ll Need

No equipment necessary!


No setup necessary!

  • Have participants do 5 different movements in descending order. For example:
  • 5 jumping jacks
  • 4 squats
  • 3 hops on one foot
  • 2 laps around the classroom
  • 1 clap above the head

Movement Words

What You’ll Need

No equipment necessary!

  • The educator places the alphabet on the whiteboard.
  • Across from each letter is a number and movement (e.g. A = 5 squats, B = 10 second balance on one foot, C = 10 high knees (be creative!))
  • The educator tells class a word to spell (e.g., laugh).
  • Students must write down the word and then perform the actions for each letter.
  •  The educator asks a student to volunteer spelling it and then writes the word on the board so all students will know how to spell the word and perform correct movements.
  • Use some silly words and movements.
  • Ask students for words to use.
  • Ask students to provide examples of movements to use.

Rock, Paper, Scissors vs. Leader  (Grades 4 -7)

What You’ll Need

No equipment necessary!


No setup necessary!

  • At the same time, everyone plays rock, paper, scissors against the leader.
  • If you beat the leader you take one step forward. If you tie, you do not move. If you lose you take one step backwards.
  • Whoever reaches the leader first is the winner and they may take the leader’s place for a new round.

*For all activities, ensure that your students are maintaining proper social distance and are adhering to the current COVID-19 safety guidelines in your region and school. 

These activities, like all of those available through PLAYBuilder, can help build on your students physical activity and physical literacy — while also giving you, the educator, an opportunity to expand on your physical literacy knowledge and activity base.

Ready to explore more activities like these, for your students? Register for PLAYBuilder today:



Physical literacy development isn’t limited to the gymnasium. Physical literacy can be developed throughout the school day: in the hallways, in the classroom, outside – and on the playground! 

Whatever equipment you have available out in the schoolyard, all you need is a little creativity to highlight physical literacy development. 

Here are three ways you can consider using your playground equipment: 

Create Playground Circuits 

Your playground structure is great for circuits! Be creative in how you use what you have. Try including exercises like balance walks on beams or stumps, push-ups on benches, hanging from bars, or running up the slide. Use these as a timed circuit or an Amazing Race obstacle course.

ActionSchools!BC has some great playground circuits for you to try with your students. Check them out here for K-3 students and for 4-7 students.

Organize Playground Games

Playground games such as tag on the play structures, or challenges like traversing the playground without touching the ground show students play possibilities that they can use during recess or lunch breaks. Introduce your students to traditional games like four square, hopscotch, kick ball, gaga ball and British Bulldog.

Helpful tip: Looking for creative tag games to try with your students? Download our Tag for Physical Literacy resource! 

Use Your Softball Diamonds 

Softball diamonds are great for warmups and developing different locomotor skills. Run forward to first base, side-shuffle on the left to the second base, mini-step backwards to third base, and side-shuffle on the right to home base. Try following the leader around the bases, where the leader changes movements at each base.

Interested in learning more about how you can best use your playground to develop physical literacy? Download the Developing Physical Literacy on the Playground resource.

Although students learn skills through play, and often learn skills naturally, educators have a critical role in helping students learn fundamental movement skills to develop physical competence, build confidence in executing these skills, and increase motivation to participate in and try new physical activities. They also play a critical role in setting up students to be physically active for life.

Educators do so by:

  • helping students develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to be active (physical literacy);
  • modelling a physically active lifestyle;
  • exposing students to a variety of sports, dance, games, and recreation activities; and
  • providing knowledge and understanding to live an active life.

Encouraging physical activity can also positively impact the mental well-being of your students, and give them assets that can address stress, isolation and anxiety. 

By modelling physical activity, you can demonstrate that the benefits of being active are so much more than just physical.

And being an active role model can span beyond just participating in the activities with your class at gym time. Here are three things you can do throughout your school day to support physical activity and physical literacy development:

Create Space 

Students need enough space to safely run around, and even in the classroom, pushing back the furniture to make room is often enough for stationary and movement activities. Utilize different spaces to allow students the opportunity to explore different movements and skills on their own. 

Organize Retrievers

Students learn when they have chances to practice – for example, if students are kicking a ball, have another student roll it or bring it back to them so that they can try again. Encourage students to encourage each other when performing skills, to help build confidence and foster motivation to try again.

Promote Activities

Promote and profile a variety of activities and sports on classroom bulletin boards and in school work. This encourages students to see the diverse possibilities offered in sport and recreation.

For more examples of how you can be a role model and promote physical activity and development of physical literacy in your classroom, download the following resource today: The Role of the Educator to Develop Physical Literacy in Students.

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