Elementary Physical and Health Education:
Supporting Physical Activity and Physical Literacy
Available for credit and non-credit | EDCP 420
July 6–10, 2020 | online
Hosted by the UBC Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy
The Summer Institute introduced teachers to the Elementary Physical and Health Education (PHE) curriculum, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, practical experiences, and professional responsibilities of a successful elementary school teacher. The course expanded elementary teachers’ level of confidence and competence when delivering the British Columbia (BC) PHE Curriculum.
During the one-week course, learners worked through modules on the BC PHE K-7 curriculum, the Indigenous holistic approaches to teaching and learning, creating equity, diversity and inclusion in PHE, quality physical education, assessment, physical literacy and the comprehensive school health model. Learners worked on their own and with others while being guided by leaders from BC school districts, Indigenous Sport Physical Activity and Recreation Council, and several BC Universities.
The goals of the Summer Institute were to support BC educators working in elementary (K-7) schools to be able to:
- Increase their level of confidence and competence when delivering the BC PHE curriculum;
- Implement activities to increase the number of minutes during the school day for students to be active;
- Use physical activity to support student mental well-being;
- Identify the value of physical activity for one’s own mental health and mental well-being; and plan to increase your knowledge of physical activity as a mechanism to support your own mental well-being; and
- Learn culturally relevant and responsible pedagogies to advance an understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing and being in relation to physical activity, health and well-being.