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3 Fun Ways to Boost Physical Literacy on the Playground!

Spring is here, and it’s time to get your students moving and grooving on the playground! Developing physical literacy has never been more fun, and we’ve got three exciting activities perfect for K-7 students. Let’s embrace the sunny weather and keep our students active and engaged!

  1. Softball Diamond Locomotor Fun: Use your softball diamond to warm students up and develop their locomotor skills. Create the following sequence of movements: run forward to first base, side-shuffle to second base, mini-step backward to third base, and side-shuffle to home base. Take it up a notch with a “Follow the Leader” game, where the leader changes movements at each base. It’s fun and challenging!
  2. Playground Circuits Adventure: Transform your playground into a circuit of physical activities. Get creative with balance walks on beams, push-ups on benches, hanging from bars, and even running up the slide! Let students enjoy a themed circuit or an exciting “Amazing Race” obstacle course. Teamwork and excitement are guaranteed!
  3. Playground Games Galore: Introduce students to various playground games that enhance their physical literacy. Play tag on the structure or challenge them to traverse the playground without touching the ground. Let their imaginations run wild during recess or lunch breaks! And don’t forget classic games like four square, hopscotch, kickball, gaga ball, British Bulldog, and red Rover – building physical skills and friendships!

Ready for more playground activity ideas? Download our Developing Physical Literacy on the Playground poster! Visit our Indigenous resources, classroom resources, and school resources webpages for more activities, like our new Playground Resource, that will empower you as an educator in promoting physical literacy and well-being among your students.

Let’s make this spring an active and joyful one for all our K-7 learners. Happy playing!

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