School Resources

Resources for B.C. elementary schools to support their educator’s journey with physical activity and physical literacy.

The Educator’s Physical Activity and Physical Literacy Journey

Discover the professional development opportunities and resources available to B.C. educators through the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project, to begin or continue developing your knowledge.

Physical Activity and Physical Literacy Handouts

What is SPA-PL?

This one-pager provides a clear understanding of the purpose, goals, methodologies, and significance of the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project.

Mental Health and Well-being

This one-pager provides essential background knowledge and a deeper understanding of the positive relationship between physical activity and mental well-being.

Fundamental Movement Skills at Home

This handout equips teachers to empower parents in nurturing their child’s physical literacy journey, positively impacting development beyond the classroom. The resource defines physical literacy and outlines simple activities to try at home.

Physical Activity and Physical Literacy Posters

Fundamental Movement Skills Poster Set

Ideal for displaying on gym walls or hallways, these posters offer a clear overview of Fundamental Movement Skills. Enhance cultural awareness in your school by incorporating a second language with the fillable PDF spot!

Physical Literacy: A Classroom Essential

What is physical literacy? Why is physical literacy important for your students? And why is physical literacy important throughout the school day? Find out with this poster for your school!

Developing Physical Literacy on the Playground

With a touch of creativity, turn any playground into the ideal space for developing physical literacy!

Getting Warmed Up: Activities for Your Students

Start your PHE class with these easy activities that develop physical literacy skills.

Physical Literacy in the Classroom: Activities to Keep Your Students Moving!

Keep your students active and engaged with these physical activity and physical literacy games.

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