Tools & Activities

Free lesson plans and resources to support implementation of physical activity and physical literacy in the classroom and school.


A collection of ready-to-use activities that get students moving throughout the school day in any environment.

Indigenous Resources & Activities

Resources and professional development opportunities to increase educators’ knowledge on Indigenous perspectives of health and wellness, to support Indigenous students in a culturally safe way.

Activity Database – PLAYBuilder

A free, digital learning resource that provides educators with 700+ games and 100+ lesson plans for Grades K- 7, aligned with the B.C. Physical and Health Education Curriculum.

Physical Literacy Assessment & Teaching Movement Skills

Tools and resources to help B.C. elementary educators confidently teach and assess fundamental movement skills in the classroom and beyond.


Printable posters to spark engagement, support classroom management, and highlight key physical literacy concepts for students.

One-Pagers & Handouts for School Leadership and Parents

Resources that explain what physical literacy is, why it matters, and how families and schools can work together to support movement and well-being every day.

Additional Resources

Back by popular demand, Action Schools! BC was the precursor to the School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy project. Here are several of their resources, to help introduce movement throughout the school day.

Copyright © 2025 |School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy|Website by Caorda